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Beauty Bites


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Hi beauties! I’ve really been loving a few products lately, so I decided to do a product post 🙂

First favourite: Philosophy microdermabrasion face wash — My skin is the type that can be good on most occasions, but I have to rely on the powers of cleansing to help it stay that way! So I’m regularly on the hunt for good washes, and am always browsing through the most raved about reviews to see what holds up. This Philosophy one came up when looking for good exfoliators, and I wasn’t disappointed. I usually like the brand, which helped in my decision to buy, and once I tried it I was happy with the results. It’s got little teeny tiny granules that help get deep down into those pesky little pores that can become problematic if neglected. Also, it’s not too rough or harsh on the skin, which makes it a good staple in the beauty cabinet to use every other day or so.

Next up, Frank Body Scrub. I am super duper loving this one! The coffee bits smell so good, and provide a good scrub to help get rid of those dry uneven areas. Plus it has almond oil, which is a gem for natural moisturising. I also like to use it on my face, and it’s also great to leave on as a mask too!

Lush Vanishing Cream is also on my list. I picked this product up during the madness that was the Boxing Day sales in Australia. (It’s like their version of Black Friday, but with less stampeding.) The line for Lush was literally out the door, but I bode the crowd because I love their stuff, and they can pretty much do no wrong. I have oily combo skin, so I thought this would be a good moisturiser to suit my needs, and I was right! It sinks right in, but leaves me with enough moisture I don’t feel like my skin is dry.

One of my absolute faves, Lanolips peach lip balm. This is like my holy grail of lip products. I never get more than a few minutes with balm on my lips, but this stuff seems to stay more than anything I’ve used. Plus, it makes me lips feel healthy, not dry and itchy like some addictive chapsticks I’ve used in the past. Must have.

Bio Oil has also been a go-to of mine lately. My legs have been drop dead chalky dry this winter, and I’ve actually just been rubbing this all over my legs. It evens out skin tone, and generally improves tone/texture.

Avene Moisture Mask and Trilogy Serum are also both being used on the regular. When my face is feeling a bit dry, I always reach for this moisture mask and follow it up with this serum. They make your face silky smooth!

Last but not least, Toni & Guy Reconstruction Mask. I picked this up when a hairstylist friend of mine suggested I start using a mask regularly to help treat dry/split ends. I saw this in store and decided to give it a try. My friends, I was pleasantly surprised. Many more tubs are to be bought in the future. It smells so good, and the packaging makes it feel like a real luxe product, with an unluxe price tag. It’s made my hair glossier, and my ends seem to be much better when I use this on the daily.

Hope you enjoyed the reviews pretties!


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Change in Season


Hi all! Well the weather in Australia has shifted from those nice balmy days to the crispy air that fall brings with it. I’m actually happy about this shift though, because I do quite like autumn, and there’s also something about a difference in season that is always so refreshing. It’s almost like you can feel the world changing around you, gearing up for whatever season they’re about to go through. For me, this involves bringing out the electric blanket and crockpot out of storage (and of course going through my Pinterest page to refresh my memory of all those warm belly filling recipes), and also digging up all those cosy sweaters I packed away months ago. It’s always a little strange to me when my friends back home are preparing for bikinis and sunshine, while I’m getting ready to hunker down and hibernate for a few months! Anyhow, this sweater is one that I will be wearing quite consistently over this winter period. It is such a pretty pastel, and thick enough to get me through the colder days. It was on sale too, bonus!

Sweater: Sold out from Bardot, but you can find a similar cream version here Shirt: The Iconic here Jeans: Gap – Similar here

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Girls Night


Hi dolls! Sorry I haven’t posted in a little while, life caught up to me there for a second! I’ve been pretty homesick this past month, and time just seems to fly by when you’re ducking your head down trying to get through. Most of the time I’ll be completely fine, but once in awhile it just tends to wham you right in the chest when you’re not looking. The only thing that seems to help is eating lots of ice cream and powering through a few books to take the mind away somewhere else. And of course, drinking wine and hanging out with friends helps lots too 🙂 So to help remedy the current situation, a girls night was planned, which included dressing up and dinner + cocktails. I even did my hair! Don’t judge, lately all I’ve been doing with this tangley mass is ponies and braids.. just simply washing it is a feat itself! Anyway, thought I’d share a few quick snaps of my night out look. Hope you enjoy loves!


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V-day Giveaway!


Hi readers! So in the spirit of love day, I’ve teamed up with a few other lovely bloggers/shops for one kick ass IG giveaway 🙂 To enter, go to my Instagram page to get started, and follow these steps!

1) FOLLOW me (Insert Your Tag).

2) LIKE this post.

3) TAP the photo to see where you go next and do the SAME for EACH of the loop sponsors until you end up back at my page!

(For ONE Bonus Entry, tag a friend in the comments section)

Loop ends on Tuesday, Feb. 17th at 7 PM EST. Winner will be decided no later than Friday, Feb. 20th,. Winner will be verified (promise, we check) so please be sure to follow ALL steps. Happy Looping!

*This giveaway is not sponsored, endorsed or administered by Instagram or any of its affiliates. By entering, entrants confirm that they are 16+ years of age, release Instagram of any and all responsibility and agree to Instagram’s terms of use. #loopgiveaway #giveaway #valentinesday


Happy Looping!


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Hey readers! So lately hubby and I have had a hankering to move somewhere with just a teeny bit more room. This decision was automatically followed on my part by a flood of mental images of what I could conjure up and create in a new space. Which, afterwards, was followed by a couple hours scouring Pinterest to scope some of these ideas out and see if what was swirling around in my brain had actually ever been translated into physical rooms. Turns out, it has! And not only that, they were luckily so pretty that I knew I’d pictured right 🙂 Just thought I’d share the inspiration! And again, thanks for reading!

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The Versatile Blogger Award!


Hey guys! I was nominated by the fabulous The Beautified Blogger for The Versatile Blogger Award! She’s got a lovely blog filled with lots of little bitties about makeup that are very helpful! Go check her out in the link above 🙂

The rules:

1. Show the award on your blog.

2. Thank the person who nominated you.

3. Share seven facts about yourself.

4. Nominate 15 blogs.

5. Link your nominee’s blogs & let them know.

My Facts:

1. Reading is probably my favorite past time.

2. I moved to Australia for my husband six months after we met. (I know, crazy!)

3. My favourite colors are gold and cream.

4. I seriously think I have arachnophobia. Even just typing that word gives me the shivers! I once got chased by my brother in law with what I thought was a live spider and burst out into tears. (And I was 24 lol)

5. Just posted about this yesterday, but I’m a slight germ freak.. and have to have hand sanitizer with me at all times!

6. I can be quite stubborn. My mom once forbade me to cut my hair before senior pictures.. from which point I marched straight to the salon and chopped it all off. (Irony at it’s finest, because my mom ended up loving it and I hated it!)

7. I am a huge animal lover! It’s a weird goal of mine to have little land with goats and mini pigs with silkie chickens to take care of.

I Nominate:

Curiosity In Style

Adorned in Armor

A More Beyoutiful You

A Stairway To Fashion

Austin Beauty Bites

Ramona Crisstea

Waltz in Water

Fresh Food & Fashion

Victoria En Vogue

Thanks for reading!


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Currently Crushing On…


Hey favorites! So I’m finally getting back into the swing of things, and one of the best things about coming back from vacation is that you gain access to all your creature comforts again. Especially when you travel somewhere that has third world tendencies, you learn to really appreciate what you have back home. Hence why I thought to gather just a few things I’ve been loving lately, and write about them!

First of all, if anyone knows me in the slightest, they know I carry notebooks everywhere. I have tons of them stored in my house, and can’t seem to get enough. There’s just something about a pretty pad with paper that is inspirational and makes me want to create and just express what I can throughout all the pages. So these small spinals from Target were perfect when sighted in the store!

Second thing I’m loving.. perfume! I adore the Lovely scent by Sarah Jessica Parker. It’s such a classic clean scent, and just matches pretty much every mood I’m in.

I’ve also been enthused with these Mink Pink glasses ever since I got my paws on them! They match most outfits you can dream up in your pretty little heads, and also have a classic non-overbearing look on the face.

Plus these Kendra Scott earrings. I’m not one for super bright colours, but when you get the basics of a wardrobe down, it’s fun to add teeny pops of colour all over the place with accessories.

Been obsessing over these little Revlon lippies too. I love to wear a matt lip, but sometimes they can be a little dry / dusty. These seem to be creamier, and have a tad more staying power. (They also have lip butters and they are way creamy!)

Last but not least, my trusty baby hand sanitizer! Another little factoid about me.. I’m a slight germ freak. Like, can’t use a glass anywhere that’s not my house without rinsing it out first. (I struggle big time at restaurants.) And I have a pump bottle of hand sanitizer parked at my desk to be used at all times throughout the day! Anyway, this little guy is a lifesaver if you have a slight anxiety attack like me if you feel the germs coming  🙂 They also smell delicious!

PS If you haven’t already seen on my Instagram account, I wrote a guest post for the adorable Aubrey Eastway over at 528 Square Feet. It’s all about how to minimize your wardrobe and easily create outfits. Go check it out! Her blog is too cute and you won’t be disappointed 🙂 (You can find it here.)

Also, stay tuned for a Bali post soon! As I said earlier, we’re just getting back into the swing of things, and haven’t had a good chance to sit down and collect my scattered thoughts on our experience. I want to cram every emotion into words for you guys, but that takes a little time and reflection. So thanks for your patience!


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Winner of a wonderful giveaway!


Hi readers! We finally got back from our amazing getaway to Bali, and it was precisely what was needed! A new post is coming soon, and I will be talking more in depth about our experience there, and some good places to go that we went to. Anyway I wanted to take a quick second to jot down that I won an awesome giveaway hosted by the oh-so-sweet Tamy from The West Coast Explorer. She’s got an awesome blog, go check it out (here). You won’t be disappointed, she’s got oodles of scrumptious recipes and pretty pictures up all over the place! She’s an inspiration, and I hope to meet someday 🙂

The prize given was the Ivanka Trump bag pictured above, and I am so excited to receive it! Can’t wait to pair this and all its neutral-y goodness with many outfits to come 🙂 Stay tuned for my next post!


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Hi dolls! How were your holidays? Ours have been very relaxing. It’s been the type of break where all of the days blur together, and you forget whether it’s Monday or Friday. Which is a wonderfully nice change of pace.

Moving on, I hit the Boxing Day sales the other day, and scored some nice items! I got my butt out of bed early, and with a cappuccino in hand, braved the masses in Zara, Lush, along with a few other stores. After clearing out my closet when I started blogging, I only look for basic pieces that I can use to create a myriad of looks. Beige and grey are new favourites of mine, so when I saw these shoes I thought they would slot into my wardrobe nicely. Oh and also this purse has been used pretty much all day every day! Hope you enjoy the look loves 🙂

Jeans: Gap (here) Shoes: Betts (here) Sweater: Target (similar here) Shirt: The Iconic (here) Bag: The Iconic (here)

Happy Shopping!


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Booties + Black denim

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Hi loves!! So today our holidays officially kick in after 5pm, and I couldn’t be more stoked! It’s been a helluva long year, so this break is mostly a necessity to prevent insanity at this point. Plus, if you saw my Instagram page the other day, we’re heading off to Bali! I’ve always wanted to go, and since our Christmas plans didn’t work out I just figured why not?? So, I’m gonna soak up some rays and time off like a champ.

Anyway, it’s getting slightly warmer, so I decided to throw on the good ‘ol black jeans and boots combo one last time to top off the work year. I’m also getting quite lazy at doing my hair because it’s gotten so long, and I unfortunately don’t have that gorgeous texture that I can just go to bed and wake up with lovely waves, it’s more like limp crimps here and there all over my head. SO a high ponytail has been my best friend for the past few months. Before I lop it all off that is. Hope you like the look loves!

Boots: The Iconic (here) Shirt: The Iconic (here) Jeans: Zara (similar here)

Happy Shopping!


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