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Wedding Reminisce



Hello readers! Sorry this post is so pic heavy! I thought in lieu of hubby and I’s one year anniversary that I would post some of our favourite wedding pictures 🙂 When I started looking through all the memories, I loved them all so much that I figured I’ll just post them! Our wedding day was so special, it is literally the best day I have ever had. We had a difficult journey of long distance and separation for months at a time, so when we were finally able to get everyone together in Seattle it was such a magical and happy day. I cried pretty much the entire wedding! I’m tearing up just looking at some of these pictures haha.. I’m such a baby 🙂 One of my favourite parts of the day was our first dance. The wedding song we chose was ‘I won’t give up’ by Jason Mraz, which we thought was fitting considering our situation 🙂 The DJ had everyone gather around us in the center of the room, and dancing with my husband in the middle of all our friends and family I just felt so loved and supported. And cried even more than I already had been.. the tears were streaming! What are some of your favourite memories of your weddings or special days my lovely readers? Let me know!




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